This journal wanders about. It's poetry, reflections, snippets from other stories and ideas of others, and my own pot luck thoughts reflecting the transparent thinking of this post-traumatically stressed, majorly depressed social phobic before and after my breakdown.

January 16, 2012

Two or Three

I tussled with a good friend today about faith and understanding.  I have a pretty broad knowledge of things theological.  A solid enough foundation anyway with lots of experience under my belt now.  Anglican, Roman Catholic, Faith and Healing Pentecostal-type dudes, Quakers and (as a child) complete ignorance!

Evangelist.....must be the most difficult job outlined in the Bible as tasks for His Believers.  People actually do decry them often.  "Pentecostals" i used to say until i understood the distinction.  Pentecostalism is "wo/man made" as a denomination (practically) of Christianity.  "Evangelist" is a "calling", if you will - a desire to participate and share in their understanding of the faith, speaking of what is good and uplifting.  Evangelist reinforces and uplifts the believer and non-believers alike.  S/he can bring them in and they can steady one's path and you see the power in your decision to follow what Jesus said was the thing that brought us closer to God/de than anything:  LOVE.   I've never been attracted to that type of passion.  Except for Billy Graham.  I likee his position on ecumenicism and most humbly offered his interpretation of the fath.  His sincerity shone through often.

Many people say "God to church" to people with poor mental health.  Not easy to do when you have social phobias.  An so i think, ' let the image of "two or three gather in My Name" remind me that i don't have to go to formal "Wo/Man"-made church. 

My friend is an Evangelist but i told her she should be a preacher - she's really good at it.

So, remember:  Next time, you tell a depressed, anxious person to go to church,  remember what courage it takes to say 'no' and say why and think "...when two or three...."

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